There’s a Google alert on my name, and I’ve never received an alert from an icon credit for a free download.11) API usage, 40% of the total shared subscription revenue (last month this was. Current rates are single purchase, $1.20 (fixed) subscriptions, 40% of the total shared subscription revenue (last month this was. Unless you upload a massive amount of icons, you won’t get rich.For the latter, people have to either credit you as the author or pay to use your icon without credit. There are only two rights options: CC0-No Rights Reserved (Public Domain) or Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY).You can’t make changes yourself to your icons or keywords.The monthly “Cha-ching!” royalty emails make me smile.It’s a great way to make a little money from your Illustrator graveyard.It’s very much set it and forget it for me. Unlike other stock sites, there’s no way to view by popularity so you can’t game the system.If the first few months are any indication, it's true. I ended up creating two collections: one in outline style and one in fill style. They say collections sell better, and I wanted to put that theory to the test. I challenged myself to figure out the Illustrator pen tool once and for all by creating a collection of icons.

Last fall, I decided to take the passive income experiment further. You know, those leftover Illustrator bits all designers have hanging around. I started by uploading a few icon rejects from my hard drive. At first as a customer, then as a creator. I’ve been a fan of the Noun Project for a while.